Thursday, August 13, 2009

A few things...

Ill keep this rant short, but it must be said!

First off, I dont understand the Mormon fascination with hats... not just any hat, but the 'newsie' hat if you will. I just dont get it... to me anybody wearing these hats looks like a dweeb who wishes they could hang on a light pole singing "Santa Fe"... Im just not really a fan...

What are you trying to hide under that floppy hat?


Why cant people pronounce 'h'? i had a companion that called it "Hay-ch"... that was ridiculous. but what really gets me is when people pronounce 'h' as a 'y'. I mean how does someone get yooman from human? or yooge from huge? the worst is when they call it yooooston intead of houston.... its an h... it makes a huh sound. i guess we are all yuman and its not a yuge deal, but ill have to see if they feel the same way i do in youston.


When youre in the left turn lane, pull out as far as you can in the intersection so that the other cars behind you can sneak in behind you on the three second green arrows that U-DOT feels is sufficient for rush hour traffic! I wanna go and the lady in the champagne camry sitting there behind the lines prohibits me from doing so!

anyhow thats my rant for today. Carry on good yoomans.


Melissa said...

Jeff, you were totally speaking my mind! On all 3 points too! Hope you're having fun in Utah!

Cam and Chelle said...

What about leaving the 'H' off completely? I live in (h)Umble now. I don't (h)Ave a clue why they would do that, y'all...

Aubrey said...

thank you thank you thank you! And you'll love the lack of the
"h" out here, all the new yorkers do that and it sounds like they have nasal congestion or something